Snapshot Day Countdown:








What is Snapshot Day?

Each year on Wyoming Snapshot Day, the Wyoming State Library collects comments, stories, photos, videos, and numbers for Wyoming Library Snapshot Day to show the tremendous impact that the state’s libraries have on Wyoming residents every single day!

This year, Snapshot Day takes place on October 22, 2024.

Follow us on Flickr and Facebook for live updates!

2024 Participating Libraries

View photo albums of this year’s Wyoming Snapshot Day activities by clicking a participating library below.

Note: This section will be updated on October 22, 2024

What Patrons are Saying

The library is important as a resource to the community. It’s the first place I go when I travel anywhere, and I travel a lot.

Sublette County Library

It is a wonderful resource for all ages. I think the staff try to brighten the lives of everyone who utilize the library.

Alpine Branch Library

The library is important as it provides a world of books and resources to people in small, isolated towns.

LaBarge Branch Library

The library teaches me so much about the world with so many books and it’s so much fun.

Laramie County Library

As a preschool teacher, my job is to teach kids the love of reading. The library lets me help my kiddos to read.

Sublette County Library

It is very helpful for finding resources for your classes – the librarians help you find web sites, books, study guides, etc.

Gillette College Library

Finding good books to read – always something new and informative. As a history buff, the library is indispensable.

Johnson County Library

The library is important to me because they are gateways to knowledge and culture – a fundamental role in society.

Elk Mountain Library

Frequently Asked Questions

Photo Collage
Why should my library participate on Snapshot Day?

Snapshot Day will provide tools to use for advocacy with Legislators, Commissioners, local elected officials, donors, and the public. To get the best “snapshot” of the entire state, we need participation from as many libraries as possible, and from all types of libraries — public, academic, school, and special.

How much work is it?

It’s fairly simple. At a minimum, we ask that you collect photos, comments, or both. If you want to do more, some libraries choose to hold special events in conjunction with Snapshot Day or provide video or audio.

How do I participate?

Save the date! And let us know you that your library will be participating by emailing Christi Weinzierl at or completing the signup form below. Also, be sure to take a look at the instructions and materials on this website for logos, flyers and more. We’ll send out updates and information to you by email. For updates, watch our Facebook page our WSL news blog, the monthly Outrider newsletter, and the Wyoming State Library and Wyoming Library Association email lists.

What if I have a scheduling conflict?

If that day doesn’t work for your library, we invite you to pick a different day that week and still celebrate with us.

2023 Snapshot Day Statistics

Library Visits

Checkouts for Kids

Digital Downloads

Program Attendance

Sign Up for Snapshot Day!

Boy showing off his book

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